Saturday, September 10, 2005

Should I Stay or Should I Go?


Last night, we had our Mugs kickoff event. One of my favourite (I mean, oops, I have no favourites!) delegates, Blake, came too, which surprised me, because he said he didn't think he'd make it earlier that day when we had hung out. So we all had a good time, even though not as many people showed up as I would have liked. Afterwards, we went down to watch the sleeping bag drive in, which ended up at SUB stage due to weather. Me, Blake and his other friend ended up just hanging out sitting on the same couch and we watched Big Fish, participated in some bubble blowing contests (which ended up making me rather sick, copious amounts of double bubble is not so good for the stomach), and filled out maybe one or two ballots for the draw that was gonna take place before the second movie. We all made a pact that if one of us were to win the trip to Marmot Basin for four, we would share it with the other two and the person who won would get to pick the fourth friend. So, we enjoyed the movie, Blake won the bubble blowing contest, and we all had a good time. And then, in the intermission, Blake also won the trip for four to Jasper.

So, now, I am apparently going to Jasper. Which I am incredibly stoked about. (I don't think travel expenses are included, so we are still trying to figure out how to get there) .... except I feel that somehow, I don't really deserve this. I am good friends with most of my delegates, but does that give me the right or the reason to go on a trip like this? Part of me says yes, I have worked hard in my volunteer work and deserve this. Blake is a good friend now, and I know we would all have a good time together. But another part of me says that no, this is not right. I am responsible for the well-being of my delegates, but this may be taking it too far and I'm not sure if I have the right to go. That if I go, that is taking advantage of my position and of my delegate. I'm actually pretty torn and not sure where to go from here.

So, my question is...
Should I stay or should I go?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg! You lucky girl! You definately deserve to go, but on the other hand I understand why you might feel like there's a dilemma. Does this delegate have a lot of close friends at the University already? If so, maybe talk to him about how you feel and tell him that if he wants a bonding session with them, then he should go with them.
On the other hand, if he is bumbling with excitement over the plans and doesn't seem to be too close with any U of A people, then by all means! You should go, 100%!
But yeah!
As for transportation, I highly reccomend Greyhound! In 12th grade I went with Matt and Sarah (remember them from your BBQ?), and the service was pretty good. It's about... 20K from the actual ski hill, but there's free shuttles to Marmot Basin running continuously all day, too!
Anyways, good luck.
I'm really proud of you for being so ethical, having a conscience, and wanting to do what's right.

5:53 p.m.  
Blogger Jamie said...

So, not really sure what you are meaning by delegates and all that....I would say, if he offered to take you, then you should go. He obviously wants you there, or he wouldn't ask you. Thats what i think. And besides...its a road trip!!!!!

9:33 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG!!! That is such a dilemma. I would be aking the same question. A part of me say yes and no.
What Anita said is a pretty good indication if you should go or not. I mean it is a good bonding experience with your delegate. You are one lucky girl. Let's hope you win one at the voluteer appreciation party. Then it will be so much more easier right? LOL
Good luck.

7:38 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Yes... so I felt bad for a little while... but I tried to talk Blake out of it (letting me go, I mean) and he wouldn't hear any of it. I think if I tried not to he might just throw me and my snowboard in the trunk anyways. Or threaten to glue tennis balls to my face or something like that. He's that kind of guy (can you see why he's one of my favourites?). So, sounds like xmas or reading break, I'll be down skiing the slopes of marmot basin! Woot!

11:04 p.m.  

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