Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Anybody got a bic pen?

So, today I had a really really bad day.

All it really took was for my wonderful-kryptonite-super-tough-can't-be-hacksawed-and-can-only- be-cut-with-say-a-cutting-torch bike lock to get jammed and I was no longer able to open it and free my poor bike from the evil clutches of that horrible thing we call a bike rack.
So, I missed my Safewalk interview and was late for my first Peds 240 lab. Which stressed me out, but mostly I was worried about this wonderful lock of mine never unlocking again. Maybe I am shallow because I put so much care and worry into a small material thing, but this is ME BIKE. I was (and still am) terrified. Be free, my bike, be free!! *sniff sniff*. So, I went to dinner at my aunt's parent's place, which made me feel better because the only times I think I eat decently during the school year is when I go see them. And I was able to tell them about my bad day and explained my dilemma. So, Mike (complex to explain his relationship in our family, so we just call him our "adult friend") and my aunt's dad, Dan decided to take their tools and go see what they could do to unjam my bike when they dropped me off at home.

So, we proceeded to noisily try to steal my bike in front of the CIBC bank where it was locked up. I find it amusing that I knew most of the Safewalk people walking by so nobody ended up calling campus 5-0 on us, which helped, I think. Anyways, we tried many many things, but kryptonite really does make unbreakable locks. And unopenable ones. Damn them. Actually, this is the second one that jammed up on me, I was just lucky last time and it jammed up while I locked it on my handlebar, and I was able to just slide it off. They replaced it for no charge... I should have learned my lesson the first time. So, nothing we tried worked... except some random guy walking down the street shouted out some advice to us that apparently should work, without getting out the cutting torch. Also, some other random guy asked what we were doing, and Mike said, "We're stealing a bike. Can you stand guard for us?". That was awesome. Anyways, my point is, if all goes well, tomorrow we will take this secret advice and my bike will be free. And my next lock will be one that is easier to cut through.

But I'm still rather..... yes... I will say this... pissed off. I've had a bad day and I was not happy.

On the bright side, I am so glad I know some people in Edmonton that are always willing to come to the rescue and make me happy. No matter how independent you are, no matter how old you get, no matter where you go in life... when you feel overwhelmed and don't know what to do, and there's someone there who (in theory, anyways) can fix everything and make you feel secure and safe again, the second you walk in their front door. They are worth so much more than money could ever buy. I think everyone needs an everyday hero, and the Serbens have always been mine. All I can do is hope that someday I can repay someone else in kind.

Music: Hell Song- Sum 41
Picture: All the help I needed


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope your bike got loose today. Haha I enjoy your Title Immensely.


I need to talk to you about MUG event potential and soon so we can all let everyone know. Rebecca has offerred to help plan (my partner...OH WAIT I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM THEM)

It's only september too!


I added you to my account on msn.It's but I will put my name as somethign descriptive other than just 1. haha.oh manokbye.


1:50 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

(just in case any other MUGLs happen to read this by some crazy offchance, I am just frustrated. There's no fighting between Partners...)

1:54 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

lol, I know exactly what you mean. When my delegates ask specific questions about the event I'M planning, but which I've promised my partner input into, and I can't answer because my partner won't reply to my emails and isn't answering his phone, IT DRIVES ME NUTS. But at the same time, I can't complain, right? Because we all have to be Adult and good Communicators and Understanding and Non Judgemental. I realize in my interview I said I was all of those things. But I have to admit, sometimes, I lie.

ANNNNNND my bike is free! I now know how to break a $60 unbreakable kryptonite bike lock (Which is THE bike lock on the market right now if you don't want your bike to be stolen). I could now be a professional bike thief. Except I love my bike too much to ever consider taking other's beloved bikes away from them.

4:27 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Random update: 2pm CAB if you want to plan with us. I will email you details, let me know if you're still interested in joinin in.

Wow you got 3 kate comments in one day. You should feel special...

..or scared...whichever...


7:37 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeanine!! Your posts are so lovely! They reflect the absolute loveliness that you are. So many people, myself included, could learn so much from you!
I miss you :(
Come visit?

3:37 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People as warm-hearted as you don't deserve to have bad days. I hope your weekend is better.
Maybe this trip to the virtual ice cream parlor will cheer you up.

Take care!

6:37 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Hehehe, to be called lovely from two of the loveliest people I know makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Jenny, I adore you! But saidly, I have to wait until Christmastime to see you, I think... unless you come back to Edmonton before then! And thanks, Anita, I made myself a vanilla one with chocolate syrup and m&m's. MMMM it's a good thing I don't live that close to an ice cream parlor. I have no willpower when it comes to ice cream.

3:32 p.m.  
Blogger Evelyn said...

That's too bad your bike got locked up. Eve needs a new bike lock for her bike... got any ideas what to buy and where to get a good one?

12:23 a.m.  

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