Sunday, September 18, 2005

Emily Rose

So, once again, I found myself at Sarah's last night. I can never say no when she asks if I want to come over. Just too much fun there. And her roomates rock my world. Whenever I forget what it's like to laugh until my sides want to split, all I have to do is stop by their place.
So, we watched Hostage. My advice is, it's an awesome show, but don't watch it if you're not a horror movie person. It's supposed to be action, but the one villain with the long hair is one of the creepiest movie characters of all time. I have never screamed so much in my entire life. It didn't help that Angela and I had an insane death grip on each other. So, we finished the movie at around midnight, and it took me about an hour before I pronounced myself ready to bike home by myself in the dark. And I thought I was fine. Except I had horrible nightmares.... I don't remember all of them, but the last one was of me getting into my parent's car, behind the DQ back in Dawson Creek, and a half a dozen men trying to attack me by getting into my vehicle, and me trying to lock them out and get away. Ugh, I am not a horror movie person. Who actually likes watching those things, anyways?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually enjoyed Hostage and felt really sorry for the villian despite the creep factor. I am such an anti-horror person. We should go watch some comedies together. :> I hope you like those. And yes. I watch emily rose too. I got scared not of her but the posssession. :S:S. I keep telling myself not to watch anymore but I still do. HELP!!!! ;)

12:48 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you're pretty brave to bike home at midnight! I would have chickened out :)

6:23 a.m.  

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