I have fun posting random thoughts and feelings that I have here. As you can see, they tend to vary widely. I also hope that lots of people post comments, because it makes me happy to know that someone's visited my page and has left something of themselves behind. Okay, that kinda sounds creepy, like I collect souls or something. Maybe the transit people are getting to me. But really, this page's just a place where I let whatever stresses me out, amuses me, or interests me come out.
Third year kinesiology student at U of A. I love sports, and I'm hoping to do my first triathalon and half marathon at the beginning of this next coming spring. Eventually, I plan to complete at least one iron man. Until then, I'll be happily riding my bicycle around the planet.
Updated May 3, 2005
Updated May 3, 2005
I am enjoying the Spongebob coloring book! In fact, I got so excited by the little foamy Spongebobs that I swallowed one, and it grew in my stomach. The package said not to swallow it because it grows with water, but I did not read carefully.
Oh well.
I will be giving birth to Baby SpongeBob soon :)
-Crazy Anita
(this is what happens when I stay up after midnight...)
P.S- I can smell the waffles from here. Mmmm...
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