Monday, August 22, 2005


So, I don't have too much to say... I am alive and well. In Dawson Creek until this coming friday, when I go back to school. Exciting news? Camp was awesome. I miss it a bunch. Had some awesome times and some awesome stories... hope I can get some pictures from friends to share.

Big surprise? I got into kinesiology. Didn't expect that... my GPA must have been borderline to the cutoffs for acceptance. Still, I am very excited. Nervous, because it'll be a big change from the double major in science I was in before... a completely different next couple of years from both the ones I had planned and the ones I have finished. Good thing most of my credit transfers. It kind of feels like all that hard effort I spent in organic chem, ecology, genetics, and that insane biopsych class were wasted... because I worked so hard and really enjoyed what I learned, but none of them transferred to my new program. What happens to past courses that don't transfer, but you did well in them? Do they end up in limbo, in lost course land?

Now I'm taking a full course load, instead of the lighter one I had planned. Transferring programs means I'll probably end up needing an extra half a year, but a cool part of that is that I have to complete a practicum, which I'm really excited about. I'll need to pull off some really good grades to get a practicum with a good agency, but I think I can (especially since this is kinese, and I love the coursework with a passion).

Well, now I think I'll go to bed, I'm still on Alberta time. Can't wait for this next week to start though, get to see all my friends here in DC, and then back to school for Mugs and OL training, and then ORIENTATION 2005!!! WOOOT!!!

It's my favourite part of the year and it's almost here!! I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it.


Blogger Jamie said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're home! I haven't talked to you yet, but will when I get a free moment. Well, gotta finish mowing the lawn. See you soon!

3:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're (almost) back! I missed you! I'm definately looking forward to hearing all your fabulous stories from camp. And Orientation is giving me goosebumps just thinking about it.
Congratulations on getting into Kinesiology! YOU ROCK! ^_^
Anyhow, talk to you soon~!

4:13 p.m.  
Blogger Lisa said...

Congrats on getting into kinesiology! I knew you could do it :) And I'm happy someone I know will be around for my fifth year... because everyone I know will be gone :(

7:18 p.m.  

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