Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Nisha's First Time

I'm not sure if I've ever laughed so hard before in my life. I probably have, but this one was one of the more hilarious things I've ever witnessed. My roomate Nisha, from Germany, decided it was time one of her many first "Canadian" experiences, the famous "Sticking of Tongue to a Cold Metal Pole". I really think there should be an expression for doing this, I don't think I've met a Canadian who hasn't done it. I also don't know any Canadian who's done it more than once. There should be a fetish out there for sticking tongues to poles, but I haven't met anybody who has, and it would make sense to move them to, say, Peru, for their own safety. But yesterday, while waiting for the bus, she expressed her desire to stick her tongue to a pole "Like in Dumb and Dumber!!!" (Oh, I think she might kill me for this, but I really can't help it!!) and I explained to her that she really doesn't want to, because it really hurts. She actually thought it would take a good five minutes until it would stick, and that it would peel off easily, kind of like velcro to velcro. I explained it doesn't exactly happen that way. But she still wanted to. She was actually going to stick the entire thing to the pole, but I convinced her that she could still get the same great experience by only sticking the tip. I also asked if I could take a picture... lol... so here it is. And for the record, there is still a little piece of her shriveled tongue stuck to the pole and it won't come off until spring. Gee, that sounds awfully nice.


Blogger DougvanDutch said...

I think it should be the first step of inmmigration. "Welcome to Canada, Lick a Pole!"....but maybe perhaps a tad bit more eloquently. So that such negative connantations could not be derived.

8:17 p.m.  
Blogger Jon VS said...

I wouldn't talk there, Mr. Lick-A-Ladder. That's right, ladies and gentlemen -- quite the mess there, hey Doug?

7:09 p.m.  

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