Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Sky is Falling!

Right, I'm just going to start off this post by saying that I don't feel very good. I was pretty sick last night and a bit better this morning, but I decided against going to church to spare others from my green face. So I go downstairs and study some of my ecology since I have a test tomorrow, still feeling pretty crappy, when suddenly the bright beautiful morning takes a turn for the worse. The sun goes behind the clouds, and everything gets really windy and spooky. I'm sitting in the littler dining room, when suddenly the house sounds like it's crashing down and when I look out the window, I see a bunch of objects fly off the roof. Nisha rushes in, and we look out the window, and there's a big pile of bricks outside. Our landlords are in Hawaii for their son's wedding, so we can't exactly call them up and explain that our house is falling apart. But I go back to studying, and we get a neighbour that comes over and lets us know our chimney just fell apart. So, we go take a look at it, and sure enough, there's about a half a chimney on our roof, and the part that's left has kinda fallen on top of the chimney pipe. Still, not much we can do, I go back inside and keep studying. And then we get another neighbour, who comes over to let us know that our chimney is broken. But then she asks if it might have some carbon monoxide implications or something like that, and we kind of laugh it off. But now I'm not sure if I feel sick because I feel sick or if I'm going to pass out and die due to carbon monoxide poisoning. So yes, that's my story. Maybe I should have toughed it out and went to church anyways, I think I might just be getting smitten here, I'm certainly not getting a lot of studying done. Grrr. Well, should probably get back to work.
Oh yes, and last night, I went to a friend of a friend's barbeque (those friends of friends are great for that) and the steak was amazing, the video games were the greatest, I was starting to go through withdrawal, I miss my PS so bad ( Not sure if the friend of a friend had it out for me though, nobody else felt sick, as far as I know!)


Blogger Ian said...

mmmmm, steak. and like that simpsons where Flander's house or homer's house get burned up or blown away. And the power went out so i miss the football game. errr. and i think i miss tomorrow's too because of a math reveiw. errr.

6:21 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Aww, I feel so bad for you. Except I was extremely right for squashing you like a bug!! Mr. "Oh, the opposite sex is ganging up on me. This is so unfair." Definitely not a good reason at all. Anyways, good luck on your final tomorrow, if you hear sobbing in the main gym, don't worry, I'm all right. It'll be because I finally snapped and walloped my profs a gooder.

11:04 p.m.  

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