Thursday, January 27, 2005

Hmm, just some random things I thought I'd share with the world. Today I went grocery shopping, and managed to bring home ~$90 worth of groceries on my bike. Why did I do this, you ask? I'm not sure why. Although I haven't gone grocery shopping since Christmas, I still could have gone a little longer. I have so much stuff in my cupboards already, you think I might try and use some of it before I get more. But this time, my landlords got a new freezer, and I felt obliged to fill it. So I did. And then I went on a crazy cooking streak and now I don't think I'll have to cook for another month (no really, this is not an exaggeration.. I cook a lot, fill up ziploc containers, freeze them, then take one with me to school every day). So now I think I can go for another month before I have to take another fun trip home from Safeway. I was amused by the fact that the grocery bagger offered to carry my bag out for me after I filled it with as much as I could (still leaving me with 6 full grocery bags) and he could barely lift it. It actually wasn't that heavy... I think he could use some "textbook" conditioning. We all know that feeling after visiting the bookstore and then realizing that not only is your bank account that much emptier, but you also get the privelege of bringing them home with you....

What else? I now have a new accident tally. And if you haven't noticed, I was clean for 17 days before I hit an unlucky streak. That must be some sort of new record.
Also, I'm changing my quote, but I'm posting the old one up so that Ian's comment can make sense still:

"If you ever get your tongue stuck to a flagpole, the best way to handle the situation is to take off all your clothes. Then people will say, ‘Hey, look at the naked guy!’ instead of, ‘Hey, look at the idiot with his tongue stuck to a pole!’ - Craig Stacey”

I read through the pamphlet and estimate I just got in the mail for my orthodontal surgery. I don’t think I should have read the pamphlet all at once though, it might have been better to break it up into little chunks. It’s pretty frightening to read all at once… “The pain usually peaks in twenty-four hours”…”On the third day, we expect the pain to level off and gradually start getting better”, “It is normal to bleed or ooze for some time following oral surgery”, “Loose sutures may be gently removed with tweezers or the long ends can be carefully trimmed”, and “ If the oozing continues or reoccurs the following day, reapply the gauze until it subsides.” Maybe it’s because my previous experience with surgery was so great, I’ve probably told lots of people about the entire wonderful experience, so I won’t recite the whole story. But I remember puking about every fifteen or so minutes for the entire day after… and on the way home from the hospital, my dad decided to pick up some milk and a few groceries, and ran into some of his friends, and had a great long conversation, while I was waiting in the truck with the door open… yes, I love you dad.

So, it looks like I’m getting all four of my wisdom teeth out. Teeth 18, 28, 38 and 48. Goody. Tooth 38 is the most expensive, he costs $421. The description for him is “extraction complete tooth”, which I don’t understand. The other ones all have different descriptions… does that mean he costs so much because they’re taking the whole tooth? Are they not taking the whole tooth for 18, 28 or 48? Just little pieces? Anyways, I hope they give him back to me so I can stick him under the pillow for reimbursement. I’ll put him towards, say, a month’s worth of living expenses, or two of my textbooks… whatever I wants more at the time.

The last couple of days I’ve really been missing my camp friends, Nick and Amy and Sierra. Especially Sierra. I’ve also been thinking about my plans for the coming summer, and I’ve been praying and thinking and dreaming about what I should be doing, and I think I’m going to go for a job with the foundation, being a counselor out east, in Ontario or Quebec or Nova Scotia. It’s hard for me to make that decision, but I think it’s the right one. I’d like to stay in Dawson Creek (make more money) or go back to Kananaskis (both more money and more fun, and also, get the chance to see my old friends that I really miss), or even stay in Edmonton (yeah for not having to move… again… sick). But I think the choice is going to be to get out and see some more. I’m a bit afraid to leave everyone I know so far behind, but I’ll regret it more if I don’t take the chance. So I’m going to start sending out my resume, and hopefully in a month or two I’ll know where I’ll be spending my summer.

Speaking of dreams, last night I had a really cool dream. One of my friends had a hovercraft plane thing, that he used to explore a waterfall. Then we were going to take it up to the mountains and take turns dropping out if it to snowboard, but we had just left and then I woke up. Hate it when I miss the good parts.

Hmm… I also bought new lightbulbs today. They’re sitting on my desk right now so I thought I’d mention that.

Nisha is going back home to Germany in a week and two days. Mina’s already gone home to Japan too... why does everyone have to leave? I don’t know what I’m going to do when Nisha’s gone, she’s become my best friend and this house is going to suck without her. Yeah. Really suck. She’ll be taking a part of me with her, whether I like it or not, and I want it back. I guess all this means that I’ll really miss her once she’s gone.

Anyways, I have banana bread to bake and study notes to make. Good nite, all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Banana bread is the best. Maybe you can freeze a whole bunch, and then after your wisdom teeth removal you can nuke the banana bread, dip it in milk, and enjoy the yummy mush?
("Yummy mush" may sound quite sick to some, but that actually sounds kind of appealing to me. Sort of like mushy day-old Cheerio cereal that was soaking in the milk in the fridge. Yum! Anyways, now I'm rambling. This is your blog, not mine, so I'll quit yapping).
Yeah... all this talk about summer jobs is getting me nervous. Hopefully the summer job fair on Saturday will have lots of free stuff. And job opportunities too, of course ;)
Have a good week, don't study too hard =)

4:31 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is techincally a comment, but i just had a post that kind of doubles as a comment for this so check it out. thats about all,

6:37 p.m.  

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