Sunday, November 06, 2005

Let's just pause it right here....

I feel the need to write again...

It snowed on Friday, but just not enough. Tonight I was at Becky's and it snowed a bit better. It felt so fabulous to ride home in it; just like my chest felt lighter, my heart a bit more hopeful, my lips a little less heavy to lift into a smile. So much less heavy, but I just felt full inside. When I unlocked the door and looked up into the sky, with the light illuminating the falling snow, I felt alive again. I spun around and around on the patio until I got too dizzy, then just danced until it felt right to say good night and go inside.

It take me back to that one rainy night, so long ago in Kananaskis...

Dancing outside under the stars, just by myself, with no one to watch that I can see...

Sometimes life is so beautiful it makes me want to cry.

Song: Bolero
Picture: Fantastic


Blogger Lisa said...

I love snow like that... I love how quiet it gets when it snows like that, its like time stops for a moment...

6:03 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

I love that quiet too....

I love a dark night with slow, spinning snowflakes... falling down fat and easy to catch on the tongue. And the snow on the ground is like millions of shining crystals, and you crunch through them on your way home to hot chocolate and a warm blanket in front of the fire.

Snow is wonderful.

1:09 a.m.  

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