Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Antifreeze 2006!!

So much has happened. I'm pooped. Why am I up at 3 am? Not enough hours in the day. Antifreeze continues to suck away my soul and any hope of free time. And I love it.

So... important info. The new and improved Jeanine:

-Is now a lifeguard and has aquatic emergency care. Pia carries are the devil.
-Has managed to get through the last 5 days with sanity partially intact.
-Has a pretty damned fine antifreeze team with some pretty damned fine photos to show for it.
-Can now whistle loudly (albeit with some difficulty) by sticking fingers in her mouth.
-Has been running regularily for the past week, even with all the insanity going on.
-Can do a heck of a lot on next to no sleep.

Good night!!

Song: Papa Roach - Scars
Picture: In the same boat.


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