Monday, January 16, 2006

Cleaning out my closet

Out with the old, in with the new.

Today I cleaned out my closet again. It's been tough to say goodbye, but today I bagged up 28 shirts and 6 bottoms that I no longer wear. All together, that makes over 50 shirts and 15 bottoms that I've nixed from my closet because they either don't fit, are falling apart, or I simply don't wear because my tastes have changed since first year. 50 shirts!! Who needs 50 shirts?? Who cares if most of them were free or from the 7th grade. That's still a lot of shirts. More than I will ever wear, and I don't normally wait 50 days before doing laundry. It feels good to be "released" from all that annoying clothing in my closet that got in the way of my finding something to wear.

Question. When should you throw away underwear? What if they no longer stay up, but still look good? (aside from the fact that you constantly try to "discreetly" pull them up in public). What if they are incredibly comfortable and stay up well, but are so full of holes that you're not sure if there's more fabric or space in between? I realize that I should probably throw away both, but somehow, I always find myself overattached to old underwear. I mean, if no one really sees much of them, why should I worry about replacing them if they're still moderately serviceable?

On the other hand, I just went through and removed all my "holey" socks and I still have over 50 pairs left, most of which are colourful and unique. I do believe I accumulate them at a faster rate than I can go through them. A different view from my shirts is to be had here. I consider every single pair important and tears are shed whenever I have to throw old socks away. Getting new and awesome socks is always an exciting present. Do I have a sock problem? Should I start a group... Sockaholics anonymous? "Hi, my name is Jeanine, and it has been six days since I bought my last pair of socks..."

What an odd and random post.

I should probably stop procrastinating from cleaning out my email inbox and my last term's notes.

In related news... and a bigger deal, although I'm taking it remarkably well... today was the last day of my Big Brothers & Sisters little sister match. Maggie is so amazing, and it was hard for both of us to say goodbye. She's the sweetest, most friendly girl in her entire school. But we both knew this day was coming, and I had already cried the tears I was going to cry well in advance. So, it wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be. Really, it's a new step forward. She'll have another Big Sister that can give her the attention she deserves. So, I've spent three years in the Big Brothers and Sisters program, and I've loved it. I know I'll be back in the future when I have more time and can make the three or four hour committment a week without worrying. I'm excited about being able to be the kind of Big Sister that another child like Maggie deserves. The chance to put some happiness and love in someone's life might sound so small, but in truth, it's huge. I can't imagine a life without love, and no one should ever have to.

Picture: Nothing will ever change, if you don't change it
Song: Free Falling - Tom Petty


Blogger Ian said...

Poor jeanine has got no comments for a while. So here is a comment. I also dont like those people, how can they be like that. And man that sounds like it hurts, you should be more careful. I am also suprised to find that tupperware can mold in extreme conditions. And I'm sorry the food dress-up party was spoiled by that horrible shish-kaebab insident


PS I may leave a real comment once I read more than the titles and look at the pictures.

11:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww! This post made me all warm and fuzzy inside ^_^


9:57 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Ian, your comment made no sense at all, but the shish-kabob thing cracked me up. I love it.

Anita, YOU make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!!
PS We will have enough tickets for you to get to Jasper. Never fear!

10:06 p.m.  

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