Rockin' Socks

As some people know, when I say "You rock my socks!", it is quite possibly the best compliment I can give someone. That is because my socks are most precious to me. To demonstrate, here are some of my favourite socks. Hopefully, now it is easy to see why not just anyone can be a "rocker of socks". It takes someone very special indeed.
Picture: There's nothing wrong with me.
Song: Stereophonics - A Thousand Trees
Socks for the days of the week! That's super!!
Sometimes, do you get lazy and wear the wrong "day"?
If someone sees your socks on a Saturday, for example, do they wonder if you've been wearing those "Tuesday"-emblazoned socks since Tuesday??
I suppose it's not as embarrassing as when someone sees you wearing Tuesday *panties* on a Saturday, though.
I'll shut up now...
Well, I actually do sometimes wear my "socks of the day" but maybe I'm just a boring stickler, I always make sure I'm wearing them on the right day. I guess I have enough socks that I never feel forced to wear a sock for the wrong day of the week!
Unfortunately, I don't own any days of the week underwear. I'll look into that :P but I'd probably be a little lax in the rules in that department...haha. My only rules for underwear is that they should be clean, comfortable, and cute.
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