Saturday, February 11, 2006

Random Bruisings

Okay, so, Friday I had a small accident, and I bruised my knee a little. Today, I'm lying in bed, and this bruise has grown really big. And there's a whole bunch of these random bruises all around it. Then I look down both my legs, and both of them are just covered, back and front, in these small bruises, most about the size of a dollar, but some about the size of golf ball or even a little bigger.

All in all, I have 16 bruises on my legs. Not only that, but during TF training last weekend, my friend Andrew hip-checked me and I have a pretty good sized bruise from that (okay, he checked me REALLY hard and he has bony hips, but that's still weird). This is odd because I normally have really good iron, and I don't actually bruise that easily. Not to mention, these bruises are ALL over. Randomly disbursed. Just my lower body, though, not my arms or anything.

So, I just noticed this today, I have a lot of bruises and it's weird. I wonder if there's something abnormal going on? Other than my normal clumsiness?

Going to sleep now. But, if anything else exciting happens, if I grow green asparagus out of my ears or I start sprouting pink feathers out of my nose, realize that my body is being taken over by some strange new force and it's not me!!

Okay I really need sleep.

Song: Shawn Mullins - Lullabye
Picture: I like leaves


Anonymous Anonymous said...


That's an excuse to treat yourself a big juicy sirloin steak. For therapeutic purposes, you see :)

Hope you feel better soon!


8:26 a.m.  

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