Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Solid Food

Okay, this is just a quick post about something basically everyone knows is happening; I'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth out tomorrow afternoon. So, tonight before midnight, is my last chance to have solid normal people food for a while. And to all those that have had their teeth out before, what are some foods that are really really hard to have for a long time after the surgery? I've been thinking maybe I should go for pizza, but what are some other ideas?
That is all.
Picture: You're a big bug.
Song: For My People - Missy Elliot


Blogger Ian said...

chips. you arnt allowed to have chips for like several months. i cant remembr exactly what is hard to eat and what you crave. but when i had braces sometimes my teeth would hurt and anythng you have to bite was hard to do. like hamburgers or anything. i think things like carrots or apples would be hard with no wisdom teeth. anyway im rambling (at leisure)

1:31 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww. Yikes...
Good luck, sweetie!
I remember I could (cautiously) crunch on carrots exactly one week later. But carrots aren't that yummy anyways, so you don't have to worry about devouring lots of them tonight so you don't miss the feel of it...


2:53 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey sweetheart,
Don't forget that icecream is your friend. Anyway, when you feel that you can actually speak again I got asked on a date by a different guy. EEk, when it rains it pours. I love you so much and I hope you enjoy your tylenol 3's as long as possibble.

Love you,

4:09 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Thanks for all the suggestions guys!! I ended up with a small taco pizza for lunch/supper (lupper?) and then puffed wheat square tonight. I think that should cover some of the top no-nos for the next coming week. Too bad ice cream is off the list, that sucks. And I just realized that I bought a ton of apples a few days ago. That was really smart. On the upside, my runners are coming home with me on Sunday! The reunion I've been awaiting for the past two months is finally happening tomorrow. I am stoked. Whoot!

10:55 p.m.  
Blogger Lisa said...

Toffee and candy was really hard to eat. Other than that I was able to east almost anything slowly about a week after the extraction. Except for steak.

Food that is good during the whole "I don't feel like putting any effort into eating" stage would be alphagetti and instant mashed (or normal if you feel like cooking) pototoes. I remember the first thing I ate after the surgery was instant mashed pototoes and they have nver tasted better.

Anyhow... cake is calling me...

2:29 p.m.  

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