Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Pretty when open or closed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You updated your profile. Wow, we're third years now. We're.. so.. old.

And I always enjoy reading updates on your 'likes' and 'dislikes' pages.



5:46 p.m.  
Blogger Jeanine said...

Haha, I know, I still can't get over it. I remember being just a firsty and thinking that third years were light years ahead of us. So strange! But, to tell you the truth, it hasn't exactly flown by. Sometimes I think I've experienced more in the last two years than I have in my entire life before I graduated from high school. And, apparently, you've changed somewhat too.... I didn't really know you well before, but based on the current Anita, I would say it's probably been in a positive direction! teehee. ;)

11:58 a.m.  

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