Antibiotics + Me = I don't feel so good

The current bane of my existence. Yeah, so I got my teeth yanked out just fine. No problem, no (huge) pain. Not even too much swollenness. It's just the stupid penicillin I'm taking now that makes me wonder why standing makes my stomach contents want to come up and the floor looks so comforting to lie on. Ugh, Je ne me sens pas bien. This is my complaining post, and I have no energy to make it interesting today. Except the pink and red makes me think of valentine's day and strawberry milk. Okay, I'm going to find a nice floor to lie down on again.
Picture: I'm all fuzzy
Song: Wallflowers - The Difference
P.S. A big shout out to all my wonderful friends who love me and have been so fantastic and caring over the last little while... you all know who you are. Thanx :)
ahhhh, the good old, "you friends rock, you know who you are". then everyone feels happy. reminds me of one of those stupid email quizes that were going around. to the question 'who would you like to spend time with' or something like that, my one friend answered 'you'. clever. then everyone (incorrect grammer alert) they sent it to felt good. but ya. yes im making fun of you, but i think the presence of a comment makes up for it, and also the drugs must help my case.
Oh no, you caught on to my clever scheme. You misspelled "quizzes" and here was some incorrect "grammar". -5. Okay, your comment is +5, your making fun of me is -5, and I didn't know you were on evil drugs too! You poor thing. =+5 there too. So you'd barely break even but because you're one of those great anonymous friends I mentioned I'll give you a +1 just to keep you in the positive. These are completely arbitrary numbers, but doesn't it feel great to be in the positive?
Ya. Don't ever say I never gave you anything.
"and also the drugs must help my case." that was refering to your drugs, and i think it worked. see you are on drugs, that messes with your mind and makes me seem better. thats what i was sayin. and 'grammer' is a word, is a city in IN, (Zip code: 47236). whatever, night time
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