New Snowboard Bag

I finally got around to buying myself a new body bag... Uh, I mean snowboarding bag. I've been needing to... hide... my... board for quite some time, I really should have gotten one quite some time ago, before it started to smell... I mean, uh, get scratched up and dusty. lol... this label gave me quite a laugh. I think I'll save it and stick it up somewhere in my room.

I hope your surgery was okay :)
No, it was absolutely fine. All I remember was the guy saying, "Well, I'll see you when you wake up!" so I figured he probably had given me some knock out drugs. And then I just closed my eyes to wait for them to take effect, and then I had some nice dreams and when I woke up I was on my side.. and was like... how come I can't move my face?? and then I remembered. They gave me lots of ginger ale and some pain killers. There were four other guys that woke up at the same time as me, and all they did was kind of whine, I was pretty amused, kuz I was just like, okay, I'm good, get this stupid IV out of me and let me outta here! Then I got a cool ice bag to tie around my head with a little bow tie on top, and went home. 6 hour car trip later, I'm now home in BC and enjoying a strawberry banana smoothie but I still can't move my face. Can kind of wiggle my tongue and move my lips a bit though. Okay, I'm cold now, off to bed!!
i "remember" when i woke up, they called our rides into the room and told them and us about care and stuff. i was also drinking ginger ale, but i like remember very little of the talk, i was all whoosy and stuff and im like, wow i feel funny, must drink ginger ale, what are they saying about not eating, whoa, whoosy. it was fun. also when they knock you out, they put the drugs into the IV and like seconds later you start to feel funny and everything goes blurry, and you first instinct is to fight it and try to stay awake, but i gave that up quickly and closed my eyes and gave into the drug induced state.
Yeah, the first time I was anaesthetized, I was actually almost knocked out by the "antinauseant" they gave me before, that made me really nautious. And by the time they actually were gonna anaesthetize me, I was pretty unresponsive and messed up, and I tried to fight the falling asleep... and waking up was really unpleasant... so this time, I tried to just relax by myself and waking up felt pretty good actually. So that's my theory, don't fight the drugs.
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