Well, today I have an interesting enough story to share, and I suppose I'll have to update my accident tally once again. Which is funny, because this morning before I left the house, I thought, "gee, I haven't even come close to getting hurt this week, I bet I could even make the rest of March without another update to my tally!" Yeah, not so fast... I actually have two new things to put on my tally as of right now. But the second is the more interesting of the two, I was finally hit by a car. I've been expecting this for quite a while now, Edmonton drivers are crazy. But this was pretty ridiculous... I was on the street, biking along in the bus/bike/taxi lane, when this guy in a car started to pull onto the street from a parking lot. I saw him as I was biking along, but thought, "Yeah, he'll stop." And then a second later, I'm lying on the street, in a state of shock, thinking... "He didn't stop?"
Yes, so I was hit by a car. I'm not too badly hurt or anything, my ankle's a bit scraped up and so's my left leg, but nothing major. The chain fell off my bike. I was mostly just in a state of disbelief. It wasn't even like he cut me off or anything, he really actually hit me while pulling out of a parking lot.
So, this is to my dad - THAT'S why I am so anal about people doing shoulder checks and actually looking when they pull out of places. Especially in the city, there's lots of bikers and such, which are easy to miss unless you do a shoulder check and actually look to see if anyone's coming. Because it doesn't work to assume that you and everyone else on the road is indestructable. Think of the cyclists. *Sniff*
Picture: This can't be the end!
Song: Third Eye Blind - God of Wine