Saturday, April 30, 2005
Weeee!!! In BC!!!!
To break the silence, of the finals post mortum, here is a late-breaking news story from the wild and wacky life of Jeanine. And to accompany this fine taste, I'll post a couple of picks, stolen from Anita's fabulous website, of our fantastic but freezing BBQ.
So, I've decided that the BBQ was a smashing success, because the subzero temperatures didn't scare us tough students away from the joys of beef cooked on a grill of questionable sanitary standards, getting marshmallows everywhere (Anita!!?!) and burning notes (to the unknown shock of our friend Preshani, the new ECOS president). All in all, I had the most fantastic time, with the most fantastic friends, and I hope that everyone else can say the same!
Hehe, I also like how I was the host but I think that the most effort I put in was really that map. Which I will post, along with the pictures. And all I really brought were hamburgers and some condiments, but I now have about 3 dozen hot dogs and 7 bags of chips stored at home from what people brought. I believe this calls for.... another BBQ!! Details to be announced in the coming months. Stay tuned.
And now I am at home in BC, which is always funny to adjust to at first. Just so different from Edmonton.... it's like I'm living in my alter ego's room. But, my parents spoil me, and complain that I don't come home enough. Which is all part of my master plan, because the more I come home, the less they remember how much of a pain I am. And the more they remember they miss me, and hence the spoiling. Mwa hahaha.... and I get to DRIVE!! I love to drive. Vroom vroom. Bikes are fantastic but the feeling of revving an engine, and accelerating, and shifting (especially into fifth... ahhhh).... yes, ecstasy. And it's great to have some long conversations with my parents, especially after the stress of finals. I always forget just how much they take out of me until after the stress is gone, and I have to start refilling the confidence-o-meter up from its sad, depleted state. And nobody can do that, no matter how hard they try, like my parents can. Something about that unconditional love. So, here's a big thanks out to my parents. They're the greatest.
And, last but not least, my Calgary bike ride... I'm trying not to think about it, because I know I'll be just fine once I actually start to do it... I love to bike, and I could do it all day (but just haven't ever had the time!!). Still, a long drive home to BC really helped spell out just how long 300 km is. Now I am freaking nervous. It's planned for this coming Friday. My brother is driving me up. I'm still taking pledges until the end of May, though, never fear. So, that's all I'm going to say, I can't think about it any more, it just makes my stomach knot up because I've never done anything like this. Okay, time for some ice cream now.

Some of my favourite pictures from the 'Q, maybe some more from other friends later?
But you can check them all out at Anita's site!!!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Thai Soup?
Does anyone else feel that schedules are unfair? Why do we HAVE to write exams when they say we do? Aren't WE the ones that pay for school? So why don't we get any say in anything? That just sucks. Back to the system. Bitter bitter.
Anyways, I survived Friday. And Thursday. Hopefully I can survive the next week, but I'm not putting any promises on it. DONE THIS THURSDAY. And I plan on having the best possible, most carefree Thursday night ever down in Hawrelak. I wish all of my friends could make it, but many of my favourites can anyways (the ones who truly care) so that makes me happy inside. Woot!
Today my roomates had a bbq, and they made a Thai soup. The bbq was just starting up and was making a lot of smoke, and when I was in the kitchen and had the first sip of soup, I thought that someone must have opened the door too wide, and I was choking on the smoke... because my throat was on fire and I couldn't breathe. Then I realized it was the soup.
Now am I am sleepy and must... sleep.
Song: The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Picture: Is this really a life?
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I just have to say right now, I have no idea how I'm going to get through tomorrow. I have a theology final at 9 am and my brain final at 2pm.
I studied brain since 12 today (right after I finished my genetics final this morning, which was a brute), just long enough to realize that I know nothing. Then I stopped at 8, went home, and it is now 9.
I just started studying for theology and realized that I know nothing here either.
Let's see, final has three essay questions, a bunch of multiple choice, and five short answer to do tomorrow. Easy, right? YOU explain the Baconian principles, Galileo's two-books theology, biblical hermeneutics, outline darwin's theology and epistemology, and your opinion on the hermeneutics and exegesis of genesis 1-11. Then memorize quotes from Ian Barbour, St. Augustine, Martin Luther, Pope Jean Paul, etc. etc. Yeah. That's what I thought.
Then brain final 2 hours later.....
Geez, I'm really short on sleep as of 3 days ago. That whole idea of skipping that class occassionally was really smart, Jeanine. Now YOU WILL PAY!!! I've been smited.
Monday, April 18, 2005
The System
I hate "the system". Because I am naive and believe that no one would ever deliberately hurt another person, when annoying stuff happens, and I feel the need to blame something or someone, I have now decided I will blame "the system" (otherwise known as Murphy's law, school of hard knocks, administration, President Bush, the curve, the "people" that Dr. Schmaltz refers to in class, the government, and the little invisible people that do things like push me over or distract me in order to make me look clumsy). It is ambiguous enough that I can be grumpy, direct it AT something but I won't end up feeling like an idiot when I complain about someone who happens to be standing right behind me (teehee). Oops.
For example, if you were to look under "things I don't like" right now, you would see "the system" as my new scapegoat. It works well.
I have also included a link to strongbad's musical talent at its best. Check out the techno.
Music: The System is down - Strongbad
Picture: It's growing on me
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Why would anyone ever write a paper optionally? I have trouble writing papers that are completely unoptional and necessary to keep me from failing a course. That could be why my paper was due at 9:30 this morning, yet I still have another 2-3 pages to finish up. Thank goodness it's just sticking my arguments together and I've got all the quotes and evidence typed up.... well, except my counter arguments, but meh, not really worried. I lose something like 3% for every day it's late, so getting it in tomorrow morning doesn't bother me too much. Still, I wonder... I've had to read through about 10 different papers to get my arguments together, and every single one I've read, it's seemed like they actually enjoyed writing them. Sick.
On a side note, I've made some minor updates to my sidebar. I also updated my "things I do and don't like" thanks to some wisecrack a certain someone made about how Theology, once having a coveted spot on my "like" list had become a biweekly torment. Well, I've been up since 5 am this morning, but managed a short ten minute nap here in ETLC where I am working on my essay. I brought my teddy to sleep on (now THAT'S good thinking in advance). A word of caution if you ever come across my bear, he is essentially a pillow without a pillowcase and therefore most likely has a certain preserved amount of drool (aka, spittle) in his fur. Cuddle with at your own risk.
I finished registering for spring classes, so I'll be hanging out in Edmonton until June 16th or 17th, and then the next day it appears I'll be going down to Kananaskis once again, like last year. JC called, asked me to come back, and offered me a pretty raise to make me a happy camper. So I won't be a counsellor after all, but I wouldn't be able to make the training anyways because I'll be in spring session. And I'll probably make about two to three times more working in the kitchen anyways, and get to do all the fun stuff (aka, mountain climbing, rafting, trail riding, hiking, camping, fishing, wakeboarding <-- SWEET!! As a bonus. Not to mention the fantastic trails to run/bike on... if I bring me bike down with me). So, spring session. I have to make a 3.0 - 3.5 at least to get into kinese next fall, and spring term classes increase my chances of getting this (my fall term marks weren't so hot. Painfully so... remember my cell bio rant? and the poor porch deck that was subject to my angry shoe?) Yup, so I'm applying for a spring extension on my student loan. More debt. Woot :P Now, my next couple of weeks are going to be rather intense, to say the least. Getting those A's and B+'s could be a bit of a challenge in some of my classes... namely genetics (blech!) and theology (ewww). Physiology should be okay... but the sheer amount of material will most likely make me *insert horrible fate here* before the final comes along. And psych classes = not a problem :)
And finally, I also just ate breakfast/lunch (some albino chocolate chip cookies from a friend. They were fantastic.). I haven't quite felt normal yet today and just didn't want anything to eat in the last 9 hours I've already been up for. My theory is this was due to the copious amount of gingersnap cookies that I consumed last night. I was craving them for the last couple of weeks. I'm not going to elaborate on how many I might have eaten, but rest assured, if I'm not telling you probably don't want to know. Maybe I should consider a new monthly tally having to do with strange assortment of cravings I get during a month. I wonder if there's a cycle? However, I don't remember ever having such cravings as sweet pickles and gingersnaps, at least that I can think of. Is this some sort of sign? Am I nutritionally imbalanced? I used to eat lots of bar soap when I was little.
Oops! *Add in* Happy Birthday Anita!! You are now 20! If it makes you feel any better, you don't have to be mature right away or anything. That can at least wait for 21. Heck, for most people I know, could last right up till at least your 40's. Ugh.. did I just mention 40's? that's frightening. *shudder*. See how good things are? Only 20. Life is fantastic still. Not that there's anything wrong with being 40, I guess. *shudder*.
Picture: Now now now
Song: The Little Mermaid - Les Poissons
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Sleepy... Why am I awake?
I feel the need to post something at this wee hour of the morning. I just got in about 5 minutes ago and am freezing. Suffice it to say, it's been a long night but a lot of fun. Today I was up at the crack of dawn (just before 6 am) after getting to bed late... to study for my lab exam, which was at 10 this morning. Went pretty good. Then I ran home to grab a change of clothes and made it back to the uni for a quick shower and somehow managed to make it to Meridian conference center for the athletics awards banquet. And so, here are some things I found out about the crazy people we call athletes at U of A:
- They're darned hot dressed up (or dressed down, whatever)
- There are some fantastic and fun Bears and Pandas (Some of 'em are so considerate, and so many are so much fun!)
- There are some insanely insecure Pandas (I ended up consolling two random girls in the bathroom sobbing because they felt insufficient... not what I'd expect from varsity athletes!)
-They drink a lot of alcohol
-They hire some darned good caterers because I haven't felt this full in a long long time. Oh, but the cheesecake was to die for.
- Being a good looking guy on a varsity team doesn't make you a catch. I was pretty appalled by some of them - one of 'em was much worse than any person I've ever had to deal with as a security guard. I was actually in shock. The funny thing there is that my pal Sean definitely predicted that, he actually pointed out this guy from a distance and said "Now why would any girl talk to him? Every single one here is out of his league. He's trash." I did not see it at all, I wish I had that sixth sense in my own love life. Blech.
- Did I mention the cheesecake?
- I have a yellow flower behind my ear from some random guy on the volleyball team who was kind of strange.
- Some other random guy on the volleyball team took a picture of me sleeping on the bus home.
- The nicest athletes I met I would actually rate as the most intimidating and scary while playing their sport.
- I'm really full and utterly exhausted and I have no idea what I am posting about or why, but I know I have a ten page final paper due at 9:30 Tuesday morning that I haven't started yet and have no idea where to start and a thousand things and commitments to do before then.... and I should care but right now I need some sleep. So tomorrow morning I can start to feel screwed but for now bed sounds great.
Song: Kelly Clarkson - Beautiful Disaster
Picture: What makes you so good?
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Um my day.
Yes, so I haven't posted in an age, so I thought I'd just write something. Because not like I haven't been doing anything interesting, as I really have (I swear) but either I've been way too busy or it hasn't been appropriate to write about.... mwa haha. Anyhoo, I'll just go over a quick recap of my day and day to come:
This morning. Woke up at 8 am. Bad country music playing. Hit sleep until 8:50 am. Rolled out of bed, hit floor. Half crawled to computer chair. Turned on computer. Half walked/stumbled to bathroom, then went back into bedroom and got dressed. Checked email and weather forecast, then gathered up school stuff and went downstairs. Realized going to be late for class, put cheerios in a container and milk in a milk 2 go bottle. Throw lunch and water bottle in bag, put on coat and helmet<-- most important part of day and start my ride to school... 9:20 am. Stoplights not in my favour so end up in class 5 minutes late, but it's prof evaluations so not a big deal. Don't really pay much attention in class, but have a great breakfast of cheerios and a yogurt tube. Get out of theology (big sigh of relief) go to physiology (11 am) Ask new cardiovascular prof who is capable of speaking at incredible fast rate without stopping for breath once in a an hour and half lecture if she might be capable of taking a break. She agrees. (Small victory! woot)
Next, go to ETLC and study for Saturday's lab exam. Eat broccoli and apple and chocolate milk (mmm). Lab: 2pm - 5pm. Agree with Geri that genetics 207 labs are a waste of time and not worthy of the dastardly name of "lab" that brings most science students shudders, nightmares, and many an all nighter. After completing gel filling (my gels kicked butt, I am a pro with a micropipettor, what can I say?) Geri and I also agreed that ice cream drumsticks are amazing. At which point we got up, walked to Mac's from Bio sci and purchased ourselves some ice cream drumsticks and came back roughly half and hour later to our lab without anyone realizing we had left. Awesome.
Next, bike to blood clinic and donate some of my fantastic healthy blood. My pulse was 49 when average is 80... Means I have... brachycardia? Yup, learned that in physio. Not a problem... but the nurse asked if I was a marathon runner or something, kuz she rarely sees anything below 60. I took it as a compliment. Then I ate some free Beef barley soup and a cookie by George (which is my real motivation to donate) and went to school to do some more studying. And then I checked my email and learned that my wonderful friend from work, Lisa, who is also part of the tri club and one of my mentors for running, needs me to play ball hockey tonight, which I of course cannot pass up. When people need me, I must respond and rise to the challenge. Well, sometimes. Anyways, that was my day... minus the studying that I'll be doing til who knows how late tonight. And then tomorrow I'll be doing junior high orientation, so that means I get to be up at 6am tomorrow! Joy and happiness! I sicken myself.